2022-05-07 Fixed compilation on VS2019. Fixed a validation error when setting vertex buffer name on GL. Updated stb_vorbis.c to 1.22. Updated stb_image.c to 2.27. 2021-05-11 Normal maps loaded from .scene file don't use sRGB if their name contains "_ddn". Fixed GL object naming and also add names to more objects. Fixed SSAO kernel offsets. Fixed SSAO on D3D11. Updated stb_vorbis.c to 1.20. Updated stb_image.c to 2.26. Updated PugiXML to 1.10. Updated Blender exporter to work with current version of Blender. 2019-05-05: Modify SDL_Init flags to fix a startup crash seen on Lubuntu 19.04. Fixed OpenGL errors and warnings seen on current drivers/implementations. Fixed DLL function loading on macOS. All projects are compiled in g++ instead of old behaviour where some were compiled with clang++. All Visual Studio projects are updated to use v141 platform toolset. Updated stb_vorbis.c to 1.15. Updated stb_image.c to 2.21. Updated PugiXML to 1.9. Updated SDL to 2.0.9. 2017-01-xx: Wireframe rendering. Camera viewport setting. Fixed SIMD bias matrix and compilation. SIMD math used by default. Audio clip length query for .wav. GL state validation fixes. Enabled D3D11 info queue and break on D3D error. Updated stb_vorbis.c to 1.09. Updated stb_image.c to 2.14. Updated SDL to 2.0.5. Updated PugiXML to 1.8. 2015-02-17: Fixed Forward+ Removed command prompt from VS samples. 2015-02-05: Materials can be named. Wireframe rendering mode. GL32/GLES3: Fixed spot light shadow maps. D3D11: More correct shadows. Fixed: mouse grab was not released when window focus was lost. Fixed a bug where depth pass didn't transform models correctly when shadows were enabled. Fixed a bug where spot light direction wasn't affected by scene graph. Fixed a bug causing shadow casters to be rendered without backface culling. Updated stb_image.c to 2.00b. Updated PugiXML to 1.5. Updated OpenAL-soft to 1.16. 2014-11-18: Added spot light. Added Material::LoadFromFile() Updated stb_image.c to 1.46. Updated stb_vorbis.c to 1.04. GL32/43: Implemented MSAA. Scene file parsing forces 'C' locale to get decimal points in correct format. Render Queue can draw line primitives. Fixed a GL error when closing the window via close button. Quaternion to/from Euler angles. Fixed a bug in 2D render queue code that caused buffer generation every frame. Fixed directional light direction, it was opposite to wanted. 2014-08-03: Added CMake build files for renderers and samples. Added AABB-AABB test to MathUtil and Scene. Added Renderer::GetTime() to read elapsed time in a cross-platform way. Samples: Engine dll extension is resolved automatically. Ray-AABB test takes max depth argument. GL: Better cubemap reflections, see Samples/04_Lighting Fixed Blender exporter when there is more than one mesh. Fixed Collada converter normals. Fixed FBX converter transform. Fixed D3D11 fullscreen. Fixed GLES3 fullscreen. Models are culled if their layer mask does not contain shared bits with camera's layer mask. 2014-07-16: Added Forward+ renderer using compute shader and support for point lights. Added classic Forward renderer to targets that do not support compute shaders. Input: Added a method to show/hide mouse cursor. Added a picking method to Scene (AABB). Added a two-channel texture format available for render textures. Added support for renderer resizing. Updated stb_image.c to 1.43. Updated stb_vorbis.c to 1.02. Updated Qualcomm OpenGL ES emulator to 3.7. Geometry instance buffers are split if their size exceeds the maximum allowed. Massive refactoring of Renderer. Now GL and D3D11 renderers share much more code. GL43: KHR_debug GL error checking. D3D11: Added pass annotations. OS X/Xcode: Fixed Release targets. Fixed writing too little data in Blender exporter. 2014-05-29: Added FBX converter using FBX SDK 2014.2.1 for all platforms. Added Crytek Sponza model. Blender exporter: Fixed tangent calculation. Blender exporter: Fixed corruption when exporting multiple times. Fixed AABB transformation that caused wrong visibility for rotated models. Fixed a pointer problem with multiple model instances. D3D11: Don't crash if texture loading failed. Shadow map bleeding reduction. Shadow map blurring. Depth and shadow pass uses combined geometry for drawing model's meshes instead of drawing individual meshes. Depth and shadow pass uses geometry instancing. Scene graph matrices are generated lazily instead of on every pass. Scenes can be loaded from simple ASCII files using Scene::LoadFromFile() Model's materials can be generated in scene file format from .obj and .mtl. GLES3: Updated Qualcomm OpenGL ES emulator to 3.6. Updated stb_vorbis.c to 1.0. Updated stb_image.c to 1.35. Removed 32-bit project targets. Windows: Fixed compiling of Release configurations. GL: Fixed an OpenGL error that was triggered by some cases where shader used cube maps and 2D textures. 2014-04-25: Variance Shadow Mapping. Blender exporter. Animation is not yet supported. Refactored Cook-Torrance shader. .obj converter: Support for meshes without normals and texcoords. Fixed a memory leak in Light. Statistics: Render Texture and Shader switches. Debug: Frustum visualization. Updated SDL to 2.0.3. Made many classes more DRY. D3D11: Fixed skinning scale. D3D11: Fixed skybox draw distance. D3D11: 64-bit pointer truncation fix related to texture id. D3D11: Debug labels for objects. D3D11: Don't crash when minimizing window. D3D11: Don't leak D3D objects when closing window with 'X' button. GL: Debug labels for GL objects. GL: Switched from gl3w to glxw. GLES3/Linux: Context/Window handled by SDL, adds Linux support. GLES3: glInvalidateFramebuffer. HLSL: Renamed input semantics for easier debugging. iOS: Fixed GL extension query. 2014-03-03: Collada: Correct mesh names. Collada: Fixed Z-Up. Models: Material can be set for a set of meshes matching a substring. Textures: Exposed anisotropy setting. Textures: Exposed tiling and filtering setting. Input: Relative mouse position. Bloom blur iteration setting. SSAO. Shader search path setting. Allows to load shaders with the same base name without code changes between renderers. GL: If creating a window using sRGB fails, try automatically again without it. Audio: Gain control, Doppler factor and velocity. D3D11: Texture Sampler states. HLSL: Fixed a bug where constant buffers were unset if their variables were not used in VS. Vertex color support. Transparent mesh sorting. 2014-01-17: First release. 2013-05-07: Created project.